Vol.1 2022 - January
crowns from the galette des rois
lights, wardrobe from expo Cartier et les arts de l’Islam
chair, table magazine from magazine brochure
Vol.2 2022 - February
lady sketch from drawing atelier
stars, moons from MAD musée flyer
poem from LV foundation flyer
clouds from gift wrapping papers
Vol.3 2022 - March
Eiffel Tour from chocolate package paper
Coffee table/contouring of Eiffel Tour from tea labels & restaurant receipt and brochure from museum Nature & la chase
tree leaves
Vol.4 2022 - Avril
collage made from candidate campaign brochure of the 2022 french presentential election
Vol.5 2022 - May
Brochure of ‘Festival de l’histoire de l’art’
Brochure of the ‘Paris Asss book fair’